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The W! Foundation (registered charity organization) is a non-profit NGO dedicated to promoting (a) the preservation and revitalisation of historical structures in Hong Kong; and (b) the study of Contemporary Chinese History and advance academic cooperation and interchanges in Hong Kong and abroad.

Our activities include:

(i) Compilation and publication of relevant book and other printed matter;

(ii) Planning and holding of academic lectures, symposiums, and conferences;

(iii) Promotion of cooperation and exchanges with or among academic and research organs and individuals at home and abroad;

(iv) Provision of assistance to facilitate relevant academic projects of domestic and overseas sources with the view or raising standards of scholastic endeavour;

(v) Planning and production of audio or audio-visual tapes to promotes history learning and teaching;

(vi) Compliance with requests to plan and/or undertake various activities to help promote the study of history.


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